Wednesday, March 20, 2013

How to create your own vision board
By: Carole Jenks

  • Poster board/foam 
  • A stack of magazines/newspapers. (Make sure that you have a wide variety of magazines to choose from).
  • Glue. (Either a glue stick or rubber cement). 
1.)Brainstorm a theme for your vision board. If you aren't sure what your theme is going  to be start leafing through the stack of magazines that you gathered to come up with some ideas. 
2.)Cut out images, words or headlines from the magazines and put them in a pile or in an envelope.
3.) Get creative! Grab the poster board or foam and begin laying out the images and words on it. Throw out any words or images that don't fit in with your theme.
4.) Glue on the images or words that fit into your theme or themes. You can have different themes on each corner of your poster board if you want to. This is your vision board--do what you want with it!
5.)Add writing to your vision board or glue a photo in the middle of the poster board or foam.
 6.)Hang your vision board where you will see it often. For example, you can hang it on the wall closest to your bed. 
Next: My personal vision board.

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